Making our way back to our stateroom, we met Mickey in his raingear (though honestly, it was a clear, dry and sunny day!)

Whilst DH had a sleeping DD2 in the room, I took DD1 for her first swim in Mickey's pool.
They provide floatation devices for those who cannot swim/ are not strong swimmers.
They pretty much come in one size only and it was a bit big on DD1, but did the job. Specifically for the Alaskan cruises, the pools are heated.

According to Disney, US Public Health do not allow swim diapers in cruise ship pools - only fully toilet trained children are allowed. They have a mini splash pad right next to the pool to accommodate kids still in diapers.
On the Disney Wonder, this is directly under the Mickey hand water slide.

At some point during the day, I went to check out the Vista Spa and Fitness Centre (in the misguided hope that I'd find some time to fit in a run on the treadmill or some form of workout...). The facility is not very big - I was trying to figure out where exactly they held the yoga classes and other group classes (apparently they moved some of the gym equipment to make room. I cannot say for sure, since I never did make it to a class). They had many small private rooms for the various spa treatments - overall it was a very serene and clean space.
I picked up the list of treatments and free classes - Vista Spa Classes and Treatments Menu with Pricing - yet another service we did not take advantage of.
Dinner that evening was at Triton's again. As we headed back to our room to get changed for dinner, we noticed the photographers had set up in a corner on Deck 3 midship for casual group photos.
Back in our room, we discovered our towel animal of the day and Personal Navigator for Day 4 (Skagway port of call).

We took the opportunity to do family photos, which came out great. The dress code for dinner was cruise casual, but as you can see DD2 was not cooperative and insisted on wearing a particular t-shirt instead of the dress I wanted her to wear.

The food was great again, and the servers were amazing with their attentiveness and entertainment. The kids got Minnie bows to wear.

DD1 then tried her own napkin headwear, which turned out quite well I think. And of course, DD2 had to copy her!

Levi presented the crayon/ matchstick puzzle of the day ( whilst we were waiting for dessert.
After dinner, we decided to go to the Ricky Kalmon Hypnotist Show since since DD2 had napped during the day. It was not as busy as The Golden Mickeys show, so we easily found four seats in the centre middle of the theatre this time.
We thoroughly enjoyed the show - DD1 laughed quite a bit, though she didn't really understand what was going on. One of the triggers that Ricky set up, had one of the audience volunteers remove his shoe and hold and present it like a baby a la The Lion King' (to the music of "Circle of Life"). DD1 kept asking why he was holding up his shoe :)
As before, it was great to have a short walk back to the room after the show.
Next: Day 4 - our first port of call: Skagway