We went to visit family out in Markham, which is north of Toronto, and is in fact a separate town. Kindna like Midrand is to Joburg, I guess.
The houses here are relatively new - mainly new developments...
There is no work for architects here - the developers design a few houses, and then mass produce. This pretty much makes for surreal-ville.

This particular neighbourhood is a big circle around a public park, with swings, slides, roundabouts etc, and a baseball diamond. It's very common in the summer time, to see the neighbourhood kids playing until 20h30.

This is the family's backyard. As you can see, the lots are very close and the backyards are pretty small. Guess it's less maintenance with regards mowing, raking and snow-shovelling!

These are the nieces. My brother-in-law's daughters on the right and middle, cousin's daughter on the left.